
This document provides information only in connection with the project; nothing in this document or in it shall be deemed a solicitation, an offer to buy, sell, or offer or offer to any person in any jurisdiction any securities, futures, options or other financial instruments. Provide any investment advice or services; nothing in this document constitutes investment advice or any opinion as to the suitability of any security. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, and any forecasts, market prospects or estimates in this document are forward-looking statements based on certain assumptions and should not be considered indicative of actual events that will occur.

If the intended convertor makes a decision to convert, he should fully accept such risks and be willing to bear all the corresponding results or consequences. The project team expressly expressly disclaims any direct or indirect loss caused by participating in the Mir of BSC project, including but not limited to:

Economic losses due to user trading operations;

any errors, omissions or inaccuracies arising from personal understanding;

Losses caused by personal transactions of various blockchain assets and any behaviors resulting therefrom.

Last updated